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Photography in muskoka: documenting the beautyies

Blog by Susan Brown | June 2nd, 2017

Are you a shutterbug? Do you love to document the beauty that you see all around you in Muskoka? Then perhaps joining the Muskoka Photography Club is something you should consider.

Three years ago, self-taught professional photographer Paul Bennett founded The Muskoka Photography Club with a mandate to bring photo lovers together to celebrate their dual passion for photography and the Muskoka landscape. Every third Monday of the month, 55 enthusiastic members meet at The Raymond Community Hall (on Hwy 141 west of Utters) to share the photos they have taken for discussion and a friendly critique. It is about sharing your talents and your interests with others who feel the same.

Each month members decide on a theme for the following month’s meeting and members are encouraged to shoot and bring a photo they have taken that reflects that theme. The meetings can also include workshops and sessions that are decided upon by the members, and technical elements are not forgotten. Detailed information on cameras and computer photography software can also come up.

It is a relaxed and friendly environment and new members are always welcome —no previous experience in photography is needed, just an interest in learning. There is a membership form on the club’s website (www.muskokaphotographyclub.com) to fill out where your interests are listed along with general information. There is a nominal membership fee of $20 to help cover expenses, and with it you receive discounts from Calvacade Colour Lab and Northern Art Supplies.

Why not join Paul Bennett (http://www.paulbennettphotography.com) and the members of the Muskoka Photography Club to embrace your long-standing or new-found love of photography? Muskoka is certainly the perfect setting for your photographic talents to shine.